Magi Relationship Report Example

Romance Compatibility Report for Kim_Kardashian and Kanye_West

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10/21/1980 10.46 A.M. (7) 118.15 West, 34.03 North

06/08/1977 08.45 A.M. (4) 84.23 West, 33.45 North

This Magi Astrology report compares the planets of Kanye_West to the planets of Kim_Kardashian. When a planetary aspect says something like [SUN TRINE YOUR MERCURY], it means the SUN of Kanye_West compared to the MERCURY of Kim_Kardashian.

Geo Longitude Synastry Aspects

Linkage: ROM/R= +35. SEX/R= +10. CMPT/R= +55. In a mild way, this linkage improves both of your abilities to discuss issues with each other and work out problems through communication and discourse.

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Activation: ROM/R= -90. SEX/R= -85. CMPT/R= -50. OPPOSITES. No matter how cute this person might be, the real chemistry is unlikely to be here because this activation makes sex with this person more of a fizzle rather than a sizzle. That is because this reduces the comfort level between the two of you and can even make both of you leery of each other. Achieving intimacy is very difficult under such circumstances.

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Activation: ROM/R= -85. SEX/R= -70. CMPT/R= -130. CLASSIC SCHISM. Reduces the duration of your relationship with this person by injecting discord and incompatibility. When two persons have this clash, both sides look at each other with foggy glasses and are a little uncomfortable in each other’s presence. It is rare for couples who have this Clash to get married.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +35. SEX/R= +10. CMPT/R= +55. In a mild way, this linkage improves both of your abilities to discuss issues with each other and work out problems through communication and discourse.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +80. SEX/R= +65. CMPT/R= +180. PERFECT COMMUNICATION LINKAGE. This is one of the best linkages at enhancing compatibility. Very powerful in helping the two of you to exchange viewpoints, communicate peacefully, patiently and articulately, understand each other and reach agreements and fair compromises. This linkage greatly helps the two of you to overcome your differences in other areas. It also significantly builds trust. Perhaps best of all, this linkage helps the two of you to jointly achieve what each of you cannot accomplish by yourself. Together, you look like geniuses.

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Activation: ROM/R= -55. SEX/R= -55. CMPT/R= -65. Moderately limits both of your abilities to understand each other as well as your willingness to communicate with each other.

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Activation: ROM/R= -165. SEX/R= -135. CMPT/R= -185. VESTA CLASH. COMMUNICATION CLASH. This clash normally makes both of you feel awkward and ill at ease when conversing with each other; your immediate reaction to anything this person says is “no” even if you agree. Unless the CAC you form with this person has very good communications linkages to offset this Communication Clash, your relationship will have significant limitations in at least some crucial areas.

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CLASH: ROM/R= -50. SEX/R= +25. CMPT/R= -140. SATURN CLASH. You are the Saturn Person of this Clash and he/she is the Passive Person. Unless the two of you have Saturn Balance, this Saturn Clash normally creates a highly one-sided relationship where you are likely to have a significant degree of control over this person’s life and emotions, and this person becomes very emotionally dependent upon you. You should not proceed with any relationship with this person unless you are in love. Even then, the only way to find happiness with this person is if you are as honorable and giving as possible. Otherwise you can cause great pain to both of you.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +80. SEX/R= +60. CMPT/R= +175. This linkage greatly improves and strengthens compatibility and mutual trust. This linkage nurtures the relationship and helps bring it to a high level of mutual reliance. This is also helpful in providing general blessings to the overall love union and often endows it with a greater-than-average share of success. What the two of you do together is likely to succeed.

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CLASH: ROM/R= -80. SEX/R= -90. CMPT/R= -160. CLASSIC SCHISM. Results in mutual intolerance. This person can bring out the worst in you. You can stifle this person’s initiative and lower his/her physical and sexual vitality.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +200. SEX/R= +150. CMPT/R= +199. LIFELONG LINKAGE. CINDERELLA LINKAGE. ROMANCE LINKAGE. This is the most romantic linkage you can have with anyone. Along with Venus-Chiron and Jupiter-Chiron, this is one of the three most powerful linkages in creating marriages. But this linkage is the most helpful linkage in keeping the marriage together. If you are in love, your love is likely to be lasting. Although the Venus-Chiron linkage is more powerful in creating attraction, this is the most powerful in creating lifelong loving relationships. This linkage is the single most reliable sign of the soulmate, although the Jupiter-Chiron linkage is almost as reliable.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +170. SEX/R= +199. CMPT/R= +160. SEXUAL ROMANCE LINKAGE. This is both a Sexual Linkage and a Romance Linkage. The overall attraction that this linkage creates is actually stronger than any Sexual Linkage because this linkage creates romantic attachment that the other Sexual Linkages do not.

If the two of you also form a Romantic Super Linkage, then you have the astrological basis necessary to fall in love.

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CLASH: ROM/R= -199. SEX/R= -99. CMPT/R= -199. HEARTBREAK CLASH. This is the HEARTBREAK CLASH and you are the Saturn Person. From the standpoint of emotional stress and trauma, this is the worst clash you can form with anyone. One reason is that this is the clash that is most likely to create the “We don’t love each other anymore” relationship. This clash is a reliable astrological sign that the two of you are not likely to be soulmates. Nonetheless, somehow this clash bonds the two of you together anyway, at least for a time. How long it holds the two of you together varies. What is amazing and most dangerous about this clash is that it often binds the two of you together until one of you is most vulnerable. Then it crushes this relationship and both of your hearts. The most common result of this clash is a very bitter breakup before marriage. If marriage occurs, it commonly results in a divorce leaving both of you with shattered lives. Because the two of you form this Heartbreak Clash, the odds against you are so great it is best to not ever get started romantically with this person in the first place.

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Activation: ROM/R= -50. SEX/R= -55. CMPT/R= -65. This interaspect has no significant consequence for matters of love or sex.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +150. SEX/R= +55. CMPT/R= +175. JUPITER LINKAGE. Helps the two of you to make the wisest decisions and achieve combined success; the two of you feel good together.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +50. SEX/R= +55. CMPT/R= +65. This interaspect is not significant for romance or sex.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +120. SEX/R= +180. CMPT/R= +130. SEMI-SEXUAL VESTA LINKAGE. Sometimes, two persons make love to each other out of friendship, as opposed to love or lust. This is one of the linkages that make such couples do that. Your “friendship” can be so strong that the two of you will make love out of friendship. Obviously, this means if you also have Juno Linkages, you are very likely to become lovers; that is, if the two of you are not too far off from being each other’s type.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +95. SEX/R= +95. CMPT/R= -155. JUNO LINKAGE. UNREALISTIC DREAMS. Although this is a linkage, this is not helpful because it promotes unrealistic dreams and ideas. Illusions are the by-product of all Juno Linkages. Together, the two of you are more likely to become blind to the truth because of this Juno Linkage. You think you can accomplish anything even if you have no real chance whatsoever. You will encourage each other when you are wrong and discourage each other when you are right; obviously this can result in disaster. Even worse, together, the two of you can agree upon outlandish plans for your future and can conjure up excuses for just about anything when things go wrong.

But just because you have this linkage, it does not mean all is lost. If and only if the two of you have both Jupiter Linkages and Chiron Linkages, then the presence of this Juno Linkage will actually help your relationship because then the two of you can better weather the inevitable storms that every relationship encounters. The reason for this is that this Juno Linkage helps the two of you to keep your dreams alive in the face of all odds and obstacles.

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Activation : ROM/R= -200. SEX/R= -250. CMPT/R= -195. JUNO SUPER CLASH. This clash is a turn-off and normally has the immediate effects of disenchantment. It is so unlikely the two of you will fall in love, or become intimate, that the odds are very high that trying to get started with this person is a waste of time.

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Romance Compatibility Report for Kim_Kardashian and Kanye_West

Individually prepared by:

For Entertainment Purposes Only

10/21/1980 10.46 A.M. (7) 118.15 West, 34.03 North

06/08/1977 08.45 A.M. (4) 84.23 West, 33.45 North

This Magi Astrology report compares the planets of Kanye_West to the planets of Kim_Kardashian. When a planetary aspect says something like [SUN TRINE YOUR MERCURY], it means the SUN of Kanye_West compared to the MERCURY of Kim_Kardashian.

Geo Declination Synastry Aspects

Linkage: ROM/R= +40. SEX/R= +65. CMPT/R= -15. This linkage has two distinct but opposing characteristics. There is attraction and cooperation between the two of you, but there is also volatility in your relationship because of the energetic nature of Mars. Mars works smoothly with Venus, Pluto, Jupiter, and Uranus, but not as well with the Sun, even in a linkage. Mars is the opposite of peacefulness. If you are not both careful, your relationship will not be very peaceful and could be prone to persistent squabbling. If you are both aware of this tendency and do your best to curb it, it will help your relationship.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +95. SEX/R= +95. CMPT/R= +185. ROMANTIC LINKAGE. This linkage creates a karmic bond and the feeling that you were close to this person in a previous life. It is also indicative of immediate attraction on a non-sexual level. The effects of this linkage are enduring and help to build a smooth and peaceful relationship. As a result, this linkage is one of the best linkages at improving compatibility. But no linkages are as powerful as Chiron Linkages at creating the mystical bond of love.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +50. SEX/R= +55. CMPT/R= +65. This interaspect has no significant consequence for matters of love or sex.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +95. SEX/R= +85. CMPT/R= +55 CUPID LINKAGE. This is usually a sign of instant attraction and is as powerful as a Sexual Linkage at increasing the chances of an intimate relationship between the two of you. The tone of this linkage is both sexual and romantic. But it is not as strong romantically as a Romance Linkage and not as strong sexually as a Sexual Linkage. Between sex and romance, this linkage is more sexual than romantic. It also raises the likelihood of possessiveness. Jealousy is not good for compatibility so this linkage does not improve compatibility much. Between the two of you, this person is more likely to be jealous because he/she is the Venus person of this linkage.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +85. SEX/R= +65. CMPT/R= +130. FORGIVENESS LINKAGE. This is a sign of mutual forgiveness. The two of you usually give each other the benefit of the doubt. You are most likely to be supportive of this person. This is a very beneficial linkage between friends. Lovers with this linkage can be good friends as well as unselfish lovers. Helps the two of you have a peaceful and blessed relationship.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +135. SEX/R= +175. CMPT/R= +110. JUNO SUPER LINKAGE. INTUITIVE BOND. NATURALLY INTIMATE. If you also have a JUNO SUPER SEXUAL LINKAGE, intimacy with this person is highly likely and you would feel very natural when making love with this person. We do not want to pour water on the two of you but we have to warn you that Juno Linkages create short-term attraction and you need to have Chiron Linkages or else this Juno Linkage will only help produce an affair, or a short marriage.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +40. SEX/R= +60. CMPT/R= -15. This linkage has two distinct but opposing characteristics. There is attraction and cooperation between the two of you, but there is also volatility in your relationship because of the energetic nature of Mars. Mars works smoothly with Venus, Pluto, Jupiter, and Uranus, but not as well with the Sun, even in a linkage. Mars is the opposite of peacefulness. If you are not both careful, your relationship will not be very peaceful and could be prone to persistent squabbling. If you are both aware of this tendency and do your best to curb it, it will help your relationship.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +60. SEX/R= +70. CMPT/R= +165. This linkage greatly improves and strengthens compatibility and mutual trust. This linkage nurtures the relationship and helps bring it to a high level of mutual reliance. This is also helpful in providing general blessings to the overall love union and often endows it with a greater-than-average share of success. What the two of you do together is likely to succeed.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +145. SEX/R= +65. CMPT/R= +195. ROMANTIC GOLDEN LINKAGE. Sometimes, we are faced with the choice of money or love. But when you have this linkage with someone, you can have both. The Jupiter-Neptune linkage is a very reliable sign that the two linked persons will have a harmonious and mutually beneficial relationship. This is one of the most beneficial and powerful linkages you can have with anyone and very much helps the two of you to succeed in whatever you do together, so long as you are honest and fair with each other. The hallmarks of this linkage are great rapport, mutual respect and understanding, and a relationship that is peaceful, financially secure and safe. To top it all off, this linkage even increases mutual romantic interest. For all these reasons, the Compatibility Rating of this linkage is second only to the Chiron-Neptune Lifelong Cinderella Linkage

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CLASH: ROM/R= -150. SEX/R= -60. CMPT/R= -160. SATURN CLASH. This clash is a problem for both of you. Relationships that have this clash rarely work out. You are a little better off than he/she is because you are the Saturn Person and can end the relationship more easily than he/she can. The biggest problem with this clash is that it makes both of you unhappy and dissatisfied with life in general, including this relationship, and pushes you both to make drastic and harmful changes.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +70. SEX/R= +80. CMPT/R= -70. FLUCTUATING RELATIONSHIP. Because of Uranus’ love for change, excitement and experimentation, this linkage can be a sign that one or both of you will find it difficult to commit to a serious relationship with each other. This is because with this linkage, one or both of your feelings for each other tend to fluctuate. If this is the only Chiron Linkage between the two of you, the result is usually an eventual breakup and therefore this person would be a good prospect for an uninvolved affair and not for a serious relationship. On the other hand, if the two of you have other strong Chiron Linkages, a love union with this person can work out but this linkage usually is a sign that such a relationship will not be a smooth one.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +125. SEX/R= +95. CMPT/R= +165. EMPATHY LINKAGE. In terms of being able to understand each other, this is one of the very best linkages that you can have with anyone. Helps the two of you to communicate effortlessly with each other. You can each readily sense and understand the other’s point of view. When you talk to each other, your exchanges are smooth, natural, lucid and enjoyable.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +145. SEX/R= +165. CMPT/R= +165. NEPTUNE LINKAGE. Working together, the two of you can come up with some remarkably creative ideas. You understand each other and agree much more often than not. You can iron out your differences.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +75. SEX/R= +85. CMPT/R= +140. POWER COUPLE LINKAGE. This is a strong bond that improves both of your abilities to work together towards a common goal. This linkage is so good at helping the two of you achieve your mutual goals that it appears in more power couples than any other linkage other than Cinderella Linkages, the Venus-Neptune and Jupiter-Neptune linkages. This linkage also has sexual overtones and could greatly increase sexual attraction between the two of you if you also have a Sexual Linkage with this person. This linkage amplifies other linkages of sexuality in a relationship and can cause one or both of you to be obsessed with each other.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +50. SEX/R= +55. CMPT/R= +65. This interaspect has no significant consequence for matters of love or sex.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +120. SEX/R= +180. CMPT/R= +130. SEMI-SEXUAL VESTA LINKAGE. Sometimes, two persons make love to each other out of friendship, as opposed to love or lust. This is one of the linkages that make such couples do that. Your “friendship” can be so strong that the two of you will make love out of friendship. Obviously, this means if you also have Juno Linkages, you are very likely to become lovers; that is, if the two of you are not too far off from being each other’s type.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +170. SEX/R= +100. CMPT/R= +180. LIFELONG FRIENDS. COMPATIBILITY LINKAGE. VESTA SUPER LINKAGE. This is a great linkage to have and is one of the best Vesta Linkages. The high level of compatibility that results from this linkage can overcome many other problems the two of you might have.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +180. SEX/R= +55. CMPT/R= +185. JUPITER LINKAGE. LINKAGE OF REALISTIC DREAMS. A linkage formed by Juno is usually a Juno Linkage. Even though this linkage if formed with Juno, this is not a Juno Linkage. This is a Jupiter Linkage and this linkage is very helpful for promoting mutual forgiveness and understanding. But the specialty of this linkage is that it helps a couple to have realistic ambitions and dreams. Normally, linkages with Juno create illusions about the relationship and many other things. But this is a Jupiter Linkage and instead helps couples to see more clearly together than separately.

This and the Saturn/Juno Linkage are the only linkages formed by Juno that do not create sexual attraction and needs.

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Activation : ROM/R= -200. SEX/R= -200. CMPT/R= -200. THE WORLD WAR CLASH. SATURN CLASH. One of the worst clashes you can form with anyone. You are the Saturn Person of this Saturn Clash. Normally this gives you the upper hand with this person but in this case, it does not. Instead, the most common result of this clash is that unforeseen obstacles block your relationship, and you simply are not able to get serious with this person.

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Linkage: ROM/R= +110. SEX/R= +150. CMPT/R= +165. This linkage helps the two of you to agree on your future plans and ambitions. Aids the two of you to understand each other and be in synch.

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